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Diverticular Disease

May 03, 2022
Diverticular Disease
What is diverticulosis? Many people have small pouches in their colon (large intestine) that bulge outward creating what is called a diverticulum. This condition is also known as "diverticulosis."

dr dooreck

Diverticular Disease

What is diverticulosis?

Many people have small pouches in their colon (large intestine) that bulge outward creating what is called a diverticulum. This condition is also known as "diverticulosis."

According to Cleveland Clinic, 10% of the population in the western world and over age 40 has diverticulosis and it is seen in 50% of people over age 60.

About 10 percent of Americans over the age of 40 have diverticulosis. The condition becomes more common with age.

Individuals over the age of 80 are more commonly affected.

About half of people over age 60 have diverticulosis.

What is diverticulitis?

When these pouches become infected or inflamed it is called "diverticulitis" as anything that ends in "-itis" means inflammatory diseases. This condition happens in 10 to 25 percent of people with diverticulosis. You can read more in my other posts.

When the pouches (diverticulosis) become infected or inflamed it is called diverticulitis.Is inflammation (swelling) and infection in one or more diverticula.

Does "diverticulitis" cause lower gastrointestinal bleeding?

This condition known as "diverticulosis" causes bleeding. Not when these pouches become infected or inflamed. That is called "diverticulitis."


How common is diverticular bleeding?

It is the most common cause of lower gastrointestinal bleeding.

Diverticulosis) is the most common cause of lower gastrointestinal bleeding

It is uncommon before 60 years of age. It is most common after age 70.

It is most common after age 70.

What are the risk factors for diverticular bleeding?

  • African-Americans

  • Overweight

  • Hypertension

  • Diabetes

  • Vascular disease

  • Regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs doubles the risk

  • Low fiber-diet

  • Not enough exercise

  • Diet high in fat and red meat

  • Male

  • Smoking

How is diverticular bleeding is diagnosed?

A blood test may be performed that checks for signs of infection and high white blood cell count.

A stool sample may be taken for abnormal bacteria or parasites in the stool.

Your colon may be cleaned out of all stool and blood with a colonoscopy prep.

Your doctor may consider ordering a CT angiography or an embolization to stop the bleeding.

You may go on a clear diet, be placed on bed rest, and be under "observation."

Do I need a colonoscopy for diverticular bleeding from "diverticulosis"?

That depends if there was a colonoscopy completed in the recent past.

Also, the clinical presentation would determine if the lower gastrointestinal bleeding makes it a "high-risk" diverticular bleed.

Do I need a colonoscopy for "diverticulitis"?

High-risk patients are those most likely to have poor outcomes—such as those with "unstable vital signs, hematocrit below 35%, age over 60 years, and comorbidities." These high-risk patients should undergo colonoscopy within 24 hours.

Guidelines from the American Gastroenterological Association on diverticulitis recommend colonoscopy six to eight weeks after diagnosis.

Guidelines from the American Gastroenterological Association on diverticulitis recommend colonoscopy six to eight weeks after diagnosis

This video briefly explains Diverticulosis vs Diverticulitis and its effects.

Tips en Español

Tips en Español

Que es diverticulosis?

Los divertículos son pequeñas bolsas que se abultan en el colon o en el intestino grueso. Si tiene estas bolsas, usted tiene una afección llamada diverticulosis.

Diverticulosis vsdiverticulitis

El síntoma más común es el dolor abdominal, generalmente en el lado izquierdo. También puede sentir fiebre, náusea, vómitos, escalofríos, cólicos y estreñimiento. En los casos más graves, la diverticulitis puede causar sangrado, desgarres u obstrucciones.

Factores de Riesgo

  • Tienes mas de 40 años

  • Obesida o sobrepeso

  • Dieta baja en fibra

  • Medicamentos anti-inflamtorios esteroides o opioides.

  • Diabetes

  • Fumas

  • Hipertensión

  • Consume mucha grasa o carne roja.


  • Examen rectal

  • Examen de sangre (examen fisico)

  • Colonscopia (consulte con su medico)

  • Tomografía computarizada

El 10% de la poblacion en los Estados Unidos sobre la edad de 40 sufre de divericulosis y el 50% sobre la gente de la edad de 60. Comun en la edad de 60 y 80 años de edad.


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